A fast-moving couple of weeks

1 March

Since my last blog, Should our Super be Limited?, there has been quite a bit of press coverage, not only in the financial sector, but also in mainstream media on potential changes to superannuation. This media attention coincides with the...[Read More]

What does 2023 hold in store?

25 January

At the time of writing, I have been back at work following the Christmas/New Year break for two whole days. For me at least, it seems more challenging each year to pick up the rhythm and get back into the flow for another new year. But that’s...[Read More]

Another year over

7 December

As we approach the end of another year it is perhaps timely to look back over what has happened in 2022. 2022 was punctuated with some significant local and global events including: The passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of King...[Read More]

A downsizer update

9 November

Back on 1 July 2018, a new opportunity arose that allowed older Australians to make contributions to superannuation without meeting the normal age limits and other conditions required for making contributions. The introduction of “downsizer...[Read More]

What is…the work bonus?

30 November

The Australian age pension is not a universal pension scheme. By that, I mean it is not freely available to everybody. To qualify for the government sponsored age pension eligible applicants are subject to meeting an assets test and an income test....[Read More]

What is… retirement?

2 November

Regular readers of this blog will be aware that retirement is a recurring theme amongst the topics we discuss. While there are many philosophical ideas around what retirement is, and how the word means different things to different people, the word...[Read More]

Hacks and scams

27 October

Over recent weeks the news has been inundated with reports of the cyber-attack and theft of customer personal information from Optus, one of Australia’s key phone and data providers. Fortunately, I have not received a text from Optus advising me...[Read More]

Retirement – its more than just the money

19 October

Last week, I celebrated a significant career milestone. I clocked up 20 years working with my current employer. It has been quite a journey. Like most jobs, there have been some moments best forgotten however, they are far outweighed with good...[Read More]

Australia’s “secret” inheritance tax

29 September

Did you know? By 1895 each Australian State had introduced its own inheritance (estate) tax. This tax was also often referred to as “death duties”. Federal estate tax was introduced in 1914 but was abolished 65 years later, in 1979. The States...[Read More]

Can I claim a tax deduction for my personal super contributions?

15 September

Firstly, a very quick history lesson. If we go back in time to before 1 July 2017, the only people that could generally claim a tax deduction for their personal superannuation contributions were those that were primarily self-employed. That is, they...[Read More]